Latest Android Security Update Attacks Bugs With Critical Patches



Latest Android Security Update Attacks Bugs With Critical Patches

According to a security bulletin released by Google, millions of Android users around the world will receive the largest security fixes that has been ever compiled in a month. These critical patches will cover so many security vulnerabilities that they

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Why Car Companies Are Hiring Computer Security Experts

It all began 7 years ago when Iranian best nuclear scientists were assassinated in a range of similar attacks. The assailants would ride by on motor bikes pulling up to the scientists’ cars and attaching magnetic bombs then detonating them

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Malware imitates Kaspersky’s antivirus

So you can tell by the name Fauxpersky that it appears to be impersonating the Kaspersky antivirus software which is the reliable and popular Russian software. The posing Fauxpersky was found just recently which appears to be a keylogger malware

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